It was early in the morning …we started packing the necessary things for the trip along the West Coast. Lots of fresh water, food, tent, air matress, bedding, clothes, etc.
We’ve read in one of our favorite magazine about the untamed coastline….and we wanted to explore the unknown…
We traveled from Lutzville , on a corrugated dirt road towards the coast…
Once we passed through this gate, the road conditions
changed constantly. 4×4 Capability is a MUST!
Luckily there was another road to travel, some serious road works needed here! I must admit, I got worried when we came to a sudden halt with this big hole staring me in the face.
Every Bay or Cove, along our route, was clean with soft white sand….
One experienced a type of freedom… so hard to explain!
It was time to set up camp for the night. There we were, just my husband and I and our four legged children, enjoying the beauty of mother nature.
We found many interesting rock formations along the West Coast. Something one can admire and appreciate…. an outdoor freak (like me) would want to take ALL OF THIS – HOME!
This was the perfect place to cool down after a “HOT” day! Even a sun-downer could be enjoyed in this stunning pool…..
We found so many interesting pools filled with different types of underwater life that it was difficult to capture everything on film – here is a few pics to enjoy!
BE AWARE!!! If you stand on one of these little creatures you will definitely know about it….it stings, burns and if you are allergic to it’s sting, it would be wise to get medical help, promptly.
Nothing compares to this…I enjoyed every moment of our stay. When it was time to continue on our route, I felt a bit sad. It is difficult to leave a stunning place like this behind…but there are thousands of picks and memories for ever!
From here we are travelling further north, through the Namaqua Sands Mining area to the Groen River Mouth.
Read more about this route under the heading …the Groen River Mouth..
Your site has a rich content and good layout. Good luck !!
Thank you for your inspiring comment…