Calvinia is a town with it’s own beauty… For someone, like me, who lived in the hustle and bustle of the big Cities, this little town is surely unique!
When ever I think about Calvinia, I remember the flames of our campfire, dancing on the beat of the music, that was playing in our motor home…..that BIG cup of hot chocolate during a light snowfall….For a moment or more I enjoyed the warm memories of yesterday…In Calvinia, I felt peaceful and calm.
The town lies nestled in between the mountains. The Hantam to the north, the Roggeberg to the east and Rubini to the South. The Summers are Hot and Dry and the Winters are Cold with light Snow….
At night the stars are bright and the skies are clear…we would sit outside, with a hot cup of coffee and look at the stars for hours.The Karoo nights are dark, and with no city lights interfering with the shine of the milky ways….one can almost touch the stars… that’s how close they are…
In the morning we woke up to the birds chirping and inhaled the fresh air…all part of country living.

…after heavy rains, everything turns into mud! This truck is STUCK!!! With some local assistance, it was towed to ground with better traction and was soon on it’s way….
To us, the people of Calvinia have been kind, helpful and (as one would say) like the salt of the earth. They lead a simple and honest life. They are like a big family and everybody knows everybody!
The town is neat and tidy and it is a pleasure to visit the locals. If you are one for a bit of History and Traditional Food, or just a “lekker” piece of Karoo lamb with unbelievable hospitality – CALVINIA is the place to visit!
Calvinia is famous for it’s KAROO LAMB and during the last weekend of August, people come from everywhere to enjoy the MEAT FESTIVAL (VLEISVEES). Lots to eat and drink, endless fun for young and old……..To all our dear friends in Calvinia,
we will visit soon again….
Die inwoners van Calvinia praat maar meestal Afrikaans en daar word soms gesukkel met die ” Ingels”…maar die vriendelikheid is oorheersend en is verstaanbaar in enige taal….Terwyl ons in die dorp vertoef het, het ons gevind dat daar nog vertroue in die medemens is en dat hulp aangebied word sonder om vergoeding te verwag. Dit was lekker om vriende te maak en met ‘n warm koppie boeretroos lekker te gesels – of was dit soms so ‘n bietjie “skinner”…maak dit regtig saak??
Ons , as reisigers, wil kennis maak, lag en gesels en dan weer later, met verlange terug dink aan ons besoek aan al die interesante dorpe met hul liefdevolle mense….By Calvinia, soos by baie ander klein dorpies, staan die tyd stil….en more kom eers oormore….so kuier nog ‘n dag!
Thanks a lot for the blog.Really looking forward to read more.
Glad you’ve enjoyed it…I hope to share a lot during this month…
Happy reading